24 APRIL 1926, Page 30


At the time"-of the announcement iouncement Of the'dividend by the- Vokohamapecie Bank, it was evident that profits had expanded, and this is' now shOWn to be the case by the Report' covering the half-year ending December 30th last. In accordance with the conservative policy of the Bank, the Reserve has been further raised from 771 million yen to 881while,. instead of;increasing the dividend, the. amount earned forward has been rais&l:froin 5,569,000 yen. to 5,806,000 yen. The Balance Sheet shows a small reduction

in Deposits, which is in_ accordance with the general . _ following a period of great credit expansion in Japan.. The Bank's investments have risen by about 5,000,000 yen. It is also satisfactory to note that there has been some liquida- tion of Bank Loans.:; • - • - ' • -- ' * * .* "