24 APRIL 1926, Page 30


The sound and conservative management of the Liverpool: and London & Globe Insurance Company is now bearing fruit in increased profits, the Directors having just been able to recommend a final dividend of lls. 6d. per share, less tax, snaking 22s. for the year. This compares with 20s. kir• the previous year. Moreover, it is further intimated that it is intended that the interim dividend for 1926, payable in November next, shall be at the increased rate of lls. 6d. per share, less tax, thus showing the strong position of the com- pany. Another company which has just been able to increase its dividend is- the Royal Insurance, where a final dividend has been announced of 14E. per share less tax, making a total distribiitien for -the year of 26s. per share 'less tax against 27s. for the previous year. It is also announced that the interim dividend, payable next November, will be 14s, per. share, so that it is evident that the Directors regard the increased-

dividend as one likely to be maintained. •