24 APRIL 1926, Page 30


The hopefulness expressed some few months_ ago by the' Directors of Vickers Limited on the occasion of -the formation of the Capital Reconstruction plan—a hopefulness, it will be remembered, supported by the special advisers of the company, including Mr. Reginald McKenna—would seem to have been justified by the subsequent course of events. The Annual Meeting was held last week and the Directors were able to show a profit of £421,000. In the course of an interesting speech, Mr. McKenna expressed the hope and belief that shareholders would find that Vickers would now once more be transformed into a dividend-paying business. Some regret was expressed that the new Chairman, Sir Herbert Lawrence, had intimated that he would only be able: to undertake office for.tt time, by reason of his duties as one of the Managingg-iPaitners- of & .Compatiy. -• In the course of 'his speech, however, Mr. McKenna expressed the hope that, Sir Herbert's acceptance of the Chairmanship might not be.quite so brief as helnid intimated:, ;