24 APRIL 1926, Page 30


After passing through a period of some severe vicissitudes, it looks as though the Dunlop Company, thanks to the drastic reorganization scheme and present sound management, is on the high-road to prosperity. For the past year,- at all" events', the net profit, after f"roviding for depreciation and meeting interest on loans and debentures, &c., is £2,746,000, as Coin- pared with only £1,500,000 in the previous year. In view of the present conditions in the Rubber Market. and the wide varia- tions in prices, the Directors have now 'made large provision for Reserves, no less than £1,295,000 having been transferred to the Reserve Fund, raising it to £1,600,000. Even so; how- ever, 'and after meetingthe Preference dividends, it has been possible to pay 15 per cent. per annum on the Ordinary shares, carrying forward £593,000. The Report, although stating that the American company still experieneed lc* for last year owing, it is said to the rise in Raw Rubher'prices, speaks optimistically of the prospects of that COmpany. .

A. W. K.