The most interesting intelligence, having reference to foreign affitirs, was
communicated to the House of' Commons on Thursday by Lord PALMERSTON. The representatives of the Five Great Powers have signed " a collective note " stating that they had come to an agreement upon the affitirs of Turkey, and requesting the ,.,roitiviot, to commence, or to continue if commenced, any nego- tie 1.4rWith MEHEMET Am. This intimation of protection was thankfully received by the Porte ; and Lord Patauntsron assured the house of Commons that there would be no new disturbance of peace in the East, unless from unforeseen accidents. All the ru- mours, therefore, of" a great blow" about to be struck by England. and France to relieve Turkey frotn Russian thraldom, vanish into air. The English and French fleets, now lying off Tenedos, will protect Turkey against MEHEMET ALI. The Egyptian Paella is busy in converting the Turkish into an Egyptian fleet, by ming- ling the crews together and changing the uniform of the Turkish officers. The Capital) Paella enhanced the value of his treason by giving up the military-chest with 120,0001. to iMEIIEMET. It is said to be Mennen is firm resolve not to relinquish any portion of his present possessions, but to retain Syria as well as Egypt and