The Commission Of The General Assembly Of The Church Of
Scot- land met at Edinburgh on the 14th instant ; Dr. Dinican, Moderator, in the chair. Dr. Duncan read a letter front Lord Belhaven, Lord High Commissioner, dated July 31st,......
Column After Column Of The Morning Chronicle Has Been Filled
with letters on the conduct of Lord Cardigan, the officers of the Eleventh Light Dragoons, and Lord Hill, in the affair of Mr. Brent of Canter- bury. Mr. Brent shows, that......
The Applications For Tickets To View The Splendid Pageant At
Eglintoun. Castle have been numerous, and several parties of English fashionables have arranged to leave Liverpool by the steam-vessels to Ardrossan and Glasgow on Monday next.......
" It is our duty this day to make to the British people an announcement which they will receive with intense interest, and we hope and believe with unanimous satisfaction. We......
We Understand An Invoice Has Been Received Of Ninety-five...
of Assam tea, which may be very shortly expected in this country. This tea has been put on board ship in Calcutta in the best possible order ; and has not required to be dried a......