The applications for tickets to view the splendid pageant at
Eglintoun. Castle have been numerous, and several parties of English fashionables have arranged to leave Liverpool by the steam-vessels to Ardrossan and Glasgow on Monday next. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry, who are intimate personal friends of Lord Eglintoun, have already left Wynward Park en route for Eglintoun Castle, where they will be the guests of the noble earl during the princely festivities at his splendid seat.
Mr. Gillon, M.P., and Dr. Bowring, are now at Berlin ; the Doctor watching, on behalf of the British Government, the Congress of the representatives of the different states belonging to the German Com- mercial League. Sir Thomas Dallas, a Lieutenant-General in the East India Com- pany's service, in which he distinguished himself on several occasions, died lately at Bath, at the advanced age of eighty.
Mr. Swainson, the eminent naturalist, authorizes us to contradict as announcement in the advertisements of the New Zealand Company, that he is to sail with the first party of colonists to New Zealand. Mr. Swainson never intended to sail till next spring ; by which time he will have fulfilled the literary engagements he has on hand.—Colonial Ga- zette, August 21.