Leaving A Clear Saving Of £30,625 0 0 Three Per
Cent. Consols between the acceptance of the tenders made this day week and those ultimately adopted. Thus, :10,625/. Three per Cent. Consols at 91,:, the present price for......
Military Gazette.
Orries 07 ORDNANCE, Aug. 19.-Royal liege of Artillery—Second Capt. II. R. 'Wright to be Capt. vine Saunders. deceased; First Lieut. 3. Wynne to be Second Capt. vice Wright;......
East India Shipping.
' Arrived-At Gravesend, Aug. 22d. Alexander, Simonet; and Catherine, Evans, from Bengal. Off Portsmouth, 20th, ilarrison, Surflen. front Mauritius; and William Gray. Scudder,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 19th inst., at Ham Hall, the Lady of D. \Yews RUSSELL, Esq., of a daughter. On the 20th inst., at Kingweston. Somerset, the Lady of F. 11. litexieees, Esq., of a......
Topics Of The Dal
INDEPENDENCE OF AN M.P. " Mellen. Hold, there is twelve pence for vou ; and I pray you to serve e s t ,, " I will noire of your moury." keep you out of pawls, sm u t prabbles,......