On the 19th inst., at Ham Hall, the Lady of D. \Yews RUSSELL, Esq., of a daughter. On the 20th inst., at Kingweston. Somerset, the Lady of F. 11. litexieees, Esq., of a SOIL On the 16th inst., at Camden Terrace West, the Lady of Captain F. Ewers. R.N., of a son.
On the 20111 inst., nt Theydon Mount Church, Essex, Goanox Wtheouennv Gmi.L, Esq., son of the late William OM, Em., of Wrayehury, Bucks, to ANNE ELIZABETH, SVCOIld daughter of Sir Edward Bowyer Smith, Bart., of Hill Hall, in the county of Essex.
On the 12th inst.. at Glasgow, the Rev. Arronew R. JOHNSTONE, Duntocher, to ELIZABETH, only daughter of Mr. John Malcolm, Glasgow. On the 20th inst., at Olney, Burets, the Rev. Enwann LANGDALE SMITH, A.M., Per- petual Curate of Barton.with-Chetwode, Bucks; only son of the late Rev. Edward Smith. of Folkinghartf. Lincoln, to Emetheen, third surviving daughter of the Into Rev. Henry Uauntlett, Vicar of Olney.
At the same time mid place, WiLLIAM Mozine BURRELL, Esq., of Upper Clairton, only son of the late William Russell. Esq., Mils. line. Oxon., to SarahMetes, fourth vurviving daughter of the late Rev. Henry Gaunthet. Vicar of Olney, Bucks.
On the 15th inst., nt Charlton Kings, the Rev. Geonoe Roves Mace, of Paris. to :Soma, fourth daughter of Sir William Russell, Bart., of Charlton Park, Glouceeter• • shire. DEATHS.
On the 19th inst., at his Lordship's residence in Portlaud Place, the Right Hon. Rem/0mm Lady COLVILLE, Wife of Vice-Admiral Lord Colville. Out the 17th inst., at his seat, Adlingtua Hall, Sir ROIIHRT CLAYTON, Bart_ in his 93d year. On the 20th inst., at Bath, suddenly, Sir THOMAS DALLAS, in his 81st year. On the 20th inst., at his seat, Stone House, near Broadstairs, JOSIAS De PRE ALEX. AnDst,, Esq.