According To The Last Accounts From Navarre, The Revolt...
Almon() was spreading. An attempt had been made to induce a body of the revolters to submit, by assuring theta that Don CARLoS was a free :erent, and required their obedience......
The Most Interesting Intelligence, Having Reference To...
communicated to the House of' Commons on Thursday by Lord PALMERSTON. The representatives of the Five Great Powers have signed " a collective note " stating that they had come......
• News Of The Week.
Tau Appropriation Bill has passed the House of Commons, and the Ministers have enjoyed their annual feast of white-bait at Blackwall; solhe end* the session must be near. It is......
In Paris, Lord Melbourne's Observations On The Conduct Of...
French at Portendie, have been interpreted to mean something very serious; and the Opposition journals blame Marshal SOL:LT for sub- mitting to the " insolent audacity" of......
Letters From Bahia Mention Several Annoyances To Which...
of British merchant-vessels are subjected by the Brazilian authorities. In consequence of the seizure of the Brazilian slave- ships, it is said, a " bad feeling against the......
The Leipsie Gazette States That The King Of Haxoven Has
been induced by Prince MErrnumron to adopt a cJnciliatory policy towards his discontented subjects.......