Orries 07 ORDNANCE, Aug. 19.-Royal liege of Artillery—Second Capt. II. R. 'Wright to be Capt. vine Saunders. deceased; First Lieut. 3. Wynne to be Second Capt. vice Wright; Second Lieut. F. A. Campbell to be First Lieut. vice Wynne; First Lieut, P. Bean, to bu Second Capt. vice Slater, retired on half pay ; Second. Lieut. II. P. Goodenough to be l'irst Lieut. vice Beau. WAR-OFFICE, August e3. -4th Reet. Foot- Eesign A. G. Shaw,', front the 81st Foot, to be Lieut. without parehase, vice Yea, appointed to the 98th Foot. 5th Foot - Second Lieut. W. 11. Kebbel to be First Limit, by purchase, vi.'.' Rawlins, who retire;; Gent. Cadet F. Sultan, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Second Lieut. by eureka:4e, vice Kobbel. 10th Foot-Ensign J. Garvock to be Adjt. vice Shenly, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 14th Fout-Capt. G. Bore, from the 1st West India Regt, to be Cept. vice B. Broadhead, who retires upon half-pay unettnehell; Ensign M. t I D. Hell, from the 22d Feet, to lie Ensign, vie,' :11•111111!;11■1111, who exchati,4es, 113:11 Fout—Livat. C. H. Pierse, from the half-pay at1w 19th; Foot, to be Paymaster, vice J. Grant, replaced on the Retired List. 22d Foot-Ensign J. Jorningliam, from the 14th Feet, to be Ea- sign, vice Hall, who exchanges ; Ensign W. Somerville, from the 1st West India Wet. to be Ensign, vice Smith who exchanges. ;nth not—Lieut. S. P. Peacocks to be Capt. by purchaie, N'ice Devaynes. who retires; Eusign N. II. Harem: to b, Lieut. by purchase, vice Peaceeke ; NY, ii. eatiesson. Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase, vine Harem. 42 1 Fuot-Malor G. Johnstone to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Middle- ton, who retires; Capt. 1). A. (1, 'run to be Maier, by purchase, Vie, Johnstone ; Lieut. R. W. Ramsay to be Capt. by purchase, vice Cameron ; Ensign A. C. Camp- bell to be Lieut. by purchase, sine Kimsey ; Ensign '1'. 1". Wade, front the e1:4 Foot, to be Ensign, vice Campbell. 52d Foot -G. W. ttnereadr, Gent, to be Assisteeerg. vice Skene. who resigns. 67th Foot-Cap[. W. H. Shippard, from half-pay ;met- tached, to be Capt. vice P. Brannan, who exchanges; Lime. G. W. Nieells lobe Capt. by purchase, site Shippard wlie retires; Ensign T. Locke to be Limit. by pm ehase, vice Nieulls; Gent. Cadet II. Dawson, from the Royal 51iI. Cell. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Locke. (8th Foot-G. Elluslie, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice W. B. Browne, wit. retires. 81st Foot-J. Caldoa, Gent, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Wase, appointee in the 424 Foot ; Mumbler, Gent. to be Emmen, without pur- elms% vice &ewe, promoted to the 4th Foot. 824 Foot-G. E. Halliday, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Darby. whose appointment has been cancelled. 89th Foot -Lieut. J. Q. Wall, from the 98th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice M'Cause- land, deceased. 98th Foot-Lieut. R. IL YOH, from the 4th Foot, to he Lieut. vice Wall, promoted in the 89th Foot. 1st West India Regt.-Cop). II. T. Moore, front the half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice Bern, appuiuted to the 1.111 Foot; Ensign W. N. Smith, front the 2.2d Foot, to be Ensign, vice Somerville, who exchanges.
Unattached-Lieut. II. Barlow, from the 38th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Hospital Stalf-J, Donald, Gott., to be Assist.-Berg. to the Forces, vice Edward. -who resigns.