Sir William Chaytor has sold his extensive and beautiful estate
of Witton Castle, in the county of Durham, to Donald Maclean, Esq., the respectable and constitutional Representative of the city of Oxford, who intends to reside on the domain. The amount of the purchase• money is said to be close upon one hundred thousand pounds.—New- castle Journal. [The purchase will strengthen the Tory interest in Lord Durham's county.]
The trial of the cause between the Coroner appointed by the Town- Council of Manchester and the County Coroner, the result of which will decide as to the validity of the charter of incorporation recently granted to the town of Manchester, is fixed for Monday next. The Attorney-General will conduct the case on the part of the corporation.
The beautiful new church at Kelley, which was built and endowed at the sole expense of the Duke of Sutherland, was consecrated ou the 13th by the Lord Bishop of Hereford.—Salopiatz Journal.
We are glad to hear that the friends of education have resolved to aid the Government grant by private subscription, and that a consider. able sum has been already contributed. At the head of the list is her Majesty, for 100/. Lord John Russell 1001., and several other influential parties considerable sums, one of whom has subscribed 200/.—Chelten- lann Free Press.
It is not generally known that a steamer of very large tonnage is to be launched in a day or two from Chatham Dockyard. It will have been begun and finished within the incredibly short space of eight weeks. We are informed that this extreme expedition is an experiment under direction of the Government, in order to ascertain the shortest possible time in which such a vessel can he completed. The number of hands have been unlimited ; in fact, the men are working on her at the present moment as thick as bees in a hive, and they ase allowed to make as many working-hours per day as they can. The sum ap- portioned for the labour, we understand, is 4,0001.; and should it not cost that, the overpins is to be divided among the men. The experi. anent has excited the greatest possible interest in the neighbourhood,—
Greenwich Gazette.
The Speaker, it appears, gained the prize for the best pig exhibited Oxonians
at the late Oxford agricultural meeting. This, some of the
say, was owing to the right honourable gentleman having i accustomed " to go the whole hog ; " and others, that it was a fit award to the Member for liampsitire.-8/andard.
The wreck of a fine schooner, the Despatch of Salcombe, has been found in the English Channel, off Stoke Church Point. She left Sal. combe On the 29th ultimo, for the Mediterranean : it is supposed that she had been run down, and that all her crew perished. The body of one seaman was found.