24 AUGUST 1839, Page 7

The Chartists at Manchester, following the advice of Mr. O'Connor,

attended the old church in great numbers on the Sabbath. The autho- nUes having been previously advised of their intention, had a company of infantry and a troop of dragoons in readiness to act should the Chartists behave disorderly. But they conducted themselves with great decorum. It is said that previous to divine service they handed the clergyman a Chartist text to preach from. The former selected his text, " My house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." On its announcement, the Chartists quitted the church, and left the usual congregation in quiet possession of it.—Gunnier.

Mr. Stephens's place of confinement has been changed front Knutsford Gaol to Chester Castle, on the application of the prisoner's attorney to Justice Patteson.

The attempt to get up a Chartist agitation in Dublin was an entire failure; and Mr. O'Connell has written a letter to Mr. Ray, of the Pre- cursor Association, highly lauding the prudence and loyalty of his con-
