24 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 17


ITO MR EDITOR OP TER "SPRCTATOR.1 SIR,—It may interest your readers to know that a company has been formed for the purpose of building in Westminster a large hostel for working girls of all classes, under the management of the Girls' Friendly Society. The existing accommodation in the Society's Lodges for girls resident in London and those passing through has been found quite inadequate, a large number being unable to obtain admission in 1911.

A suitable site has been found, and it is proposed to begin building as soon as the necessary capital has been subscribed. Applications for shares (.CI each) should be made to the bankers, Messrs. Barclay and Co., 95 Victoria Street, Westminster. Pro- spectuses and all particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the London Diocesan G.F.S. Lodge, Limited, 62 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, who will also gratefully receive any dona- tions towards the building fund —I am, Sir, &c., Mawr F. HOPE WALLe0E, President of the G.P.S. London Diocesan Council. 25 Bramham Gardens, S.W.