24 FEBRUARY 1912, page 15

A Raised Map Of England And The Crystal Palace.

[To THE EDITOR OP THR ".SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Several points urged by Mr. W. Bremner Davis in your issue of January 20th, under the heading " A. Raised Map of England and the......

The Damnation Of Infants. [to Ti La Editor Op The "

SPECTLTOR.1 SIR,—The reviewer of "The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe," in your issue of December 30th, mentions "Jonathan Edwards, the man who found blessed comfort in contem-......

The Indian Cotton Excise.

[To TRH EDITOR OP THE "SPRCTLTOR.1 SIR, — In the interesting letter by Mr. Harold Cox on "Indus- trial Development in India," which appears in your issue of February 17th, there......


[TO THE ED/TOR OF SPECTATOR." J SIR,—In an evening paper for February 15th I found the following paragraph m— "During an inquest on a three-months-old baby at Lambeth the......