24 FEBRUARY 1912, page 16

Brave Deeds In Humble Life. Rto The Editor Of The

"BrEcTATon."1 Sfu,—Two years ago you kindly inserted a letter of mine suggesting a record should be kept of brave deeds in humble life which often pass unrecognized and......

The " Frogs."

pro THE EDITOR OF TIIE " SPECTATOR." j SIR, — In your notice of my translation of the " Frogs " in your issue of February 10th, you say that "adults" is an awkward word. Not......

The Simplicity Of Goodness.

[To THE Emma Or THE " SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—The above article in this week's Spectator, which I have read with much interest, recalls to my memory the following utterance of Charles......

A Question Of Grammar. [to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]

SIR,—The crusade now steadily waged for some time by at least a portion of the Press against the "split infinitive" has proved so successful that I venture, in the interests of......

The Indian Cotton Excise.

[To TRH EDITOR OP THE "SPRCTLTOR.1 SIR, — In the interesting letter by Mr. Harold Cox on "Indus- trial Development in India," which appears in your issue of February 17th, there......

"the Absence Of Tragedy In Hebrew Literature."

rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SProTaTon."] SIR,—The interesting article with the above title in your paper of February 3rd illustrates the broader and more curious fact that Aryan......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " EFECTATOR.1 SIR, — Having read in your issue of February 10th a letter from T. E. Eccles in reference "to a strange custom seen by him last autumn in the......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "] Sir, — Anent Mr....

most instructive communication in the Spectator of February 17th on industrial developments in India, he will agree, I think, that the Japanese pay only market rates in Bombay......