24 FEBRUARY 1912, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

THE NATIONAL RESERVE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The Folkestone Company has a strength of about 600 men, and this figure could in all probability be considerably......

Passive Resisters And Ulster's Claim To Remain In The Union.

(To TRIO EDITOR OF TRIO "SPECTATOR." j SIR,—Your article on "Dr. Horton and his Protestant Brethren" in the Spectator of February 17th should be considered in connexion with the......

Dr. Horton And Mr. Swift Macneill On Home Rule.

[TO THE EDITOR 0/f TH1 "Bractaroa."] Sin,—There is no need, I think, to question the sincerity of Dr. Horton's recent pronouncement on Home Rule, though it is certainly strange......