24 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 24

Everyman's Library. — Another instalment brings up the total.

number of "Everyman's Library" M. Dent and Sons, ls., 23.„ and 2s. 6d. per volume) to COO. "A hundred volumes," say the conductors of the series, will make a man "intellectually rich for life." For six hundred at the not immoderate cost of 430, the cost, say, of a motor car for a month, he may become, in the province of the mind, a multi-millionaire. Among the new volumes are Plutarch's Moralia, translated by Philemon Holland Dramatic Essays, by John Dryden; Descartes' .Discourse on Method John Stow's Survey of London, with a Preface by H. B. Wheatley ; Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, translated by Thomas Carlyle, 2 vols., with a Preface in which we see what Carlyle thought of his original ; The History of Queen Elisabeth's Reign, by James Anthony Froude, 6 vols. ; The Muses' Pageant, by W. M. L. Hutchinson, stories from the Greek mythology (" immeasurable laughter" is not a very happy translation of ir 0 PT.MY K WATODY 7/aartia surely it is rather the smile, the sunlit ripple, noiseless, which laughter is not) ; and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass and Demo- cratic Vistas, with a specially interesting Preface by Mr. Horace Traubel, who relates talks that he had with Whitman in his later years.