The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : The
temper of Mr. Chamberlain's speech at Birmingham last Friday met with universal approval. The cheers which greeted him when he came into the House on Monday showed how general and ready is the response to firmness. What is the next step? At the beginning of the week, members of all parties were anxious that there should be a next step, and that it should be taken soon. They realise, of course, that the Government must have some time to consider what can be done ; but they are perturbed as to how long the country can be kept waiting. A few Government supporters are already minimising the German offensive, and finding comfort in the maxim that the result of greed is indigestion. It is studiously put about that party collaboration is impossible, because "Labour won't play " ; that conscription is un- necessary, because equipment is lacking ; that geography precludes any further commitments ; and that national unity and security are best obtained by putting our trust unre- servedly in the Prime Minister. * * * *