Garden-escape Or Alpine ?
The theory of garden-escape is also held by another correspondent, whose name unfortunately I cannot give. As one of the largest landowners in the kingdom, he is in the......
In The Garden
This year, as in others, the most-talked-of things in the March garden have been the lenten-roses, the pink, plum- red, green-white, and mauve-speckled hellebores. Bought for a......
A Farmer Accuses A Hunt
It was Mr. Henry Williamson, I think, who said that in matters of country life the local paper was more interesting than all the national dailies put together. Certainly the......
The Agricultural Wage It Is The Local Paper, Too, Which
carries the story of the munificent increase of one shilling a week in the wages of male agricultural workers of over 21, accompanied by the usual outraged protests from the......
Country Life
Reports on Daphne Mezereum My suspicions that Daphne Mezereum was extremely rare in the wild state in this country have been well borne out by the number of reports on it. Where......
The English Hedge
As I write, there is a touch of green, a bird's mouthful of bread-and-cheese, on the hedges. It is a reminder that the hedge, the quick-hedge especially, is net only the thing......