24 MARCH 1939, page 2

The Reactions Of The United States To The Events Of

the past ten days in Europe are of far-reaching importance. In the main they are as might be expected. Public opinion as a whole is bitterly and increasingly anti-Nazi, but the......

Lancashire And India Any News That Promises Assistance To...

is wel- come, for the drop in cotton exports has gone to alarming lengths. The new trade agreement with India which was signed this week and which is to replace the Ottawa......

M. Daladier's Decrees The Decrees Issued By M. Daladier...

his new powers were granted provide for a strengthening of national defence, an increase in armaments production, and economies to offset the added strain on the national......

President Lebrun In London The Visit Of President Lebrun To

this country has come at a moment so appropriate as almost to seem providential ; for there was never a time when France and Great Britain were more utterly dependent on each......

M. Daladier's Special Powers M. Daladier Cannot Be...

his handling of the situation created in France by the present crisis. The fundamental desire of the French people, in face of the present danger, is for a genuinely National......

Palestine : An Adjournment The British Government's...

been re- jected by the Arab and the Jewish delegations to the Palestine Conference, which has come to an end. The pro- posals provided for the establishment of an independent......