24 MARCH 1939, page 22


I TOO, seeking the water of life came to the river among the willows, the unpollarded old willows with split trunks and the scarlet and yellow saplings on the banks. Among reeds......

Senor Casals' Concert

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sta,—I hope you will allow me to draw the attention of your readers to the concert which is to be given by Senor Pablo Casals at the Albert Hall......

Holidays For Children [to The Editor Of The Spectator]

should not ask you to put our needs before your readers at a time when everyone is volunteering for National Service were it not that the workers we need so urgently for this......

What Mr. Fleming Does Not Mean To The French

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—Mr. Peter Fleming has written a gratuitously unpleasant article in your issue of March 17th, headed by the pretentious title : "What I Mean......

The Growth Of Psycho-analysis [to The Editor Of The...

SIR, —Could some action be taken against the growth of psycho-analysis in this country? So far as my investigations have led me, it results in far more failures than successes,......