24 MAY 1834, Page 5

rbe Court.

TI1E King and Queen have passed the week at Windsor. On Monday, they visited the Military College at Sandhurst, when the public exami- nation of the Cadets took place. The King presented a new pair of colours to the young soldiers. Their Majesties have taken several rides in the neighbourhood, but have seen but little company during the week.

The Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria are expected at WhitIsor this day, on a visit to the King and Queen. The House- hold of their Royal Highnesses is put in mourning, in consequence of the death of the late infant Prince of the Belgians.

The Duke of Cumberland dined with the Marquis of Londonderry at Fulham, on Tuesday, and on Wednesday with the Archbishop of Yosk, in Grosvenor Square.