The Beauties Of Robins.
THE readers of the Daily Papers are too apt to pass over the Advertisements, thinking them barren of amusement. The columns headed "Sales by Auction," would indeed seem to be an......
A Correspondent Of The Times Gives The Following Account Of
the carpets he saw at the late Royal exhibition of French manufactures at Paris- " The carpets are superior to the English, in being made of one piece, and of more solid and......
Mrs. Hofland's Tales.
HERE is an able production of an amiable though somewhat by- gone school. Its disciples do not aim at painting the:manners of a particular class, or at the creation of......
A Human Armadillo.
" 1 have at present under my care a man who is nearly incrusted with a reone-like skin, very closely resembling the barnacles of the native oyster, or what is called ' rough......
Spectator's Library,
FICTION, The Captives in India a Talc. A Widow and a Will. By Mrs, Hofland. 3 vols. Bentley. MITiTART ADVENTURRS• The Life of a Soldier. A Narrative of Years'......