Rbe Aletrapatil.
Tile Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty held their twenty-third anniversary meeting on Saturday, at the City of London Tavern. The large room was well......
Eleberd Nal 3roarttin0 In Parliament.
L POOR LAWS AMENDMENT BILL. After some preliminary conversation, the House of Commons went into Committee on this bill last night. The second clause, which re- fers to the......
Rbe Court.
TI1E King and Queen have passed the week at Windsor. On Monday, they visited the Military College at Sandhurst, when the public exami- nation of the Cadets took place. The King......
A Meeting Of Gentlemen Connected With The Landed...
the cowries of Kent, Essex, Stirry, Sussex, and Devon, took place on Weduesday, itt Bross n's (;uffechuuse, Palace Yard, for the purpose of adopt ilig resolutions against Lord......