Eleberd Nal 3roarttin0 In Parliament.
L POOR LAWS AMENDMENT BILL. After some preliminary conversation, the House of Commons went into Committee on this bill last night. The second clause, which re- fers to the......
The News Of The Capture Of Coimbra And Figueiras Is
confirmed. Vrt.La FLOR and NAP= have been uniformly active and sue- cessful ; but SALDANHA. who is statiintedwith the main army be- fore Santarem, does nothing. This inaetion is......
The Prussian Minister Has Received Orders To Quit Madrid;...
it is said that the Russian and Austrian Governments have signi- fied to the Queen their high displeasure at her dismissal of ZEA Baastunez. The Queen, we should suppose, ought......
There Have Been Fresh Arrivals From New York During The
week. The accounts are of the same complexion ris those recently received from the United States. A vehement debate was in pro- gress in the Senate on the question of receiving......
Admiral Roussin Has Refused To Accept The Ministry Of Marine
; Which department is therefore confided to the care of an obscure Admiral, named JACOB,—supposed to be an obsequious tool of the real First Lord of the Admiralty, the King. The......
The Grand Duke Alexander, Eldest Son Of The Emperor Ni-
esioLss, has taken the oath of allegiance to his Sovereign and father,/ He swore to serve him in all things,even to the last drop of his blood ; and as successor to the throne......
News Of The Week.
THE House of Commons met again on W e dne s day ; and the Ministers had scarcely time to take their seats before they found themselves outvoted, on a bill introduced by Mr.......
The Infant Son Of King Leopold Died On The Night
of Friday week, at the palace of Laecken. He was not quite ten months old. Whit Sunday, usually a great holy day in Brussels, was uni- versally observed as a day of mourning for......
France Has Lost Her Most Distinguished Patriot....
had been rapidly declining for some time, expired on Tuesday morning, at his residence in Paris, in his seventy-seventh year. During his last illness, every attention was paid......