ifif Manta fig.
In a petition debate in the House of Peers, on Thursday, it was openly avowed by the Duke of Wellington and others of his party, that the only true Christianity was that established by law, and that subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles meant nothing more than an undertaking to support the religion of the State.
Mr. Hume is at Cheltenham, for the benefit of his health. This accounts for the almost unprecedented occurrence of his name being missed in the Division-lists.
It is said that the Lords of the Treasury will shortly issue an order to the Postmaster- General, permitting the free transmission through the Post-office, to authors residing in the country, of the proof-sheets of any work in the press. The proofs, it is said, are to be sent to Sir F. Freeing, who will enclose them in a Post-office cover according to the addicts; and they may be returned in the same manner.—Mornin9 Post.
Prince Lieven bas been recalled. We hope he takes his wife with Lim.
A letter of the 3d instant from Rodelheim, near Frankfort, says- " We had yesterday and te-day a most extraordinary phenomenon of nature. During very heavy showers of rain, which fell yesterday from half past eleven to twelve, and to-day between twelve and one o'clock, the water contained so great a mixture of sulphur, Out as it me down the streets it was covered with a yellow crust, and quantities of sulphur might be scraped off the pavement."