The Abli6 de la MENNAIS—despairing of Legitimacy, and hating the
Juste Milieu—is throwing himself into the Republican arms. A short time ago he went to Rome, having been censured by the Pope; but he submitted, and was received into the bosom of Holy Church. But his gorge seems to have risen against the dogmatism of the Tiara, and he is playing another game. CHATEAUBBIAND also is following the same policy. It is a portion of the tactics of the Legitimates. They are striving to win popular support by preaching universal suffrage, ex- tension of' rights, education, and so forth. They think if by any means they can concentrate the hatred of parties agaiast Loins PHILIPPE, and fling him over, the Republic will be repudiated even though it should be tried, and then their Boy will be called into the field. This system is to be followed at the next elections ; the Royalist leaders having or- dered their subordinates to vote for a Royalist if there is one, but at all events for at, Anti-Orleanist. It is expected that they will nomi- nate many members. Tile Republican party will probably be much weakened at the next elections. They held good- cards, and played them foolishly.