An exaggerated version of the recall of the Russian Ambassador, and sinister rumours as to another important subject of a domestic nature, caused the market to decline in the commencement of the week ; and the price of Consols for Ac- count has been as low as 9. The market has since improved to 021 4, upon its becoming known that the East India Company had lent another sum cf 500,000/. to the Bank at 2 per cent. for six months, which had been taken by the monied interest at 3 per cent, for the same period. The apprehension of extensive dissent by the holders of 4 per Cent. Stock, renders it still a question among our capitalists whether the Minister will be enabled to accomplish the re- duction of that Stock in the manner proposed. The facility of raising money afforded by the operation of the Bank of England just referred to, will, however, tend in some degree to further the success of the measure.
In the Foreign Market, the Continental Stocks were slightly depressed with the Consol Market, but have since all recovered to nearly our last week's prices. The transactions in them have not been so extensive as usual ; the business of the market having been chiefly confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds. The former Securities were depressed on Monday to 341/, but have since continued to improve ; and after having been at 37, close this afternoon at 361 37. Nothing is positively known about the result of the recent negotiations for the loan ; but it is believed that the arrangement of the finances of Spain will be postponed till the meeting of the Cortes, which is expected to take place in July next. The general opinion seems to be, that whatever is then done will be favourable to the holders of Cortes Bonds, and there does not appear at present any disposition among the large holders of Stock to sell. The Pm tognese Regency Bonds have maintained their prices during the week between 7&.4 and 79k; this morning, on the recent intelligence of the success of Don Ps:DRO becoming public, the price reached 80, and the closing quotation is 796 80,I.
Contradictory accounts basing been received from Mexico, the price of the Bonds, which was at 45, has declined to 42. The price thia morning again reaelied 45.14; Ind that quotation has not been maintained, and at the closing of the market the Bonds were 431 4:1.
The Consol Market is km at 92.-; ;. Little business has been ,transactell during the c se of the morning either in the English or Foreign Markets, and the prices of the Foreign Funds generally are near ly the same as yesterday. 14 %run wyv, Fora O'CLOCK.
Consols fur Account have declieed 1, since the morning, and are 94 4. In the Foreign Market, we have no variation to report except in Spanish Stock, which has been the chief object of attraction. During the afternoon, the purchases of this security, although not individually large, have been general, and the price has been as high as 371 ; but towards the close of business, the sellers predo- minated, and the last price may he quoted at 37% I.
3 per Cent. Consols . 924 1 Dutch 21 per Cents. 524 t
Ditto for Account 921 ;‘, French 3 per tents New 3/ per Cent. Annuities 1001 i; Greek, 1533.5 per Cents 1051 106t Bank Stock — Mexican 6 per Cents. 441 I India Stock ---- Portuguese 5 per rents 791 80 Exchequer Bills 50 31 Do. Regency Seri p,5 per Cent ;91 80k
Belgian 5 per Cents 981 .1 Prussian. 1818, 5 per Cent... — Brazilian 5 per Cents ;61 i Russian, 1312 5 per Cent... 1061
Danish 3 per Cents ;4: 51 Spanish, 1891,5 per Cent .. 374