The Parisians are very indignant at the exposé of M.
TIGERS'S cor- ruption in taking 25,000 francs out of the 125,000 francs paid for a little job in the shape of a miniature ship of war on the Seine for the fête of July last year. It seems that of the 125,000 francs the jobbers charged 70,000, of which TIGERS, if they speak the truth, had 25,000.
The report on the affair of the Birmingham muskets has been printed, but not published ; and it is believed that the Government will keep it back. The whole was a scandalous job. By the agreement, the con- tractors were to be paid ten days after each delivery ; but the jobbers, in order to get their share of the spoil surely in their hands, paid over 2,700,000 francs before a single musket was delivered. This is the way in which things are done in France.