24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 15


IT is only by repeated efforts that we can hope to accomplish any new project or purpose of utility ; but they usually succeed in the end. The formation of the Musical Antiquarian Society is an instance in point. Year after year we have endeavoured to urge the lovers of music to

rescue Eogland front the reproach under at IliCh she labours of neglect- ing to preserve and perpetuate the works of her greatest masters. In actual possession of immense musical power, we have quietly submitted to the reproach of weakness. Our illustrious predecessors have be- queathed to us a large inheritance of musical wealth, and we have been

content to hide it in the earth. and thus to render useless talents which, if rightly employed, would have brought forth fruit, "some a hundred- fold, some fiftyfold, some thirtyfold.- To begin with our earliest masters: the " Cantiones Saerm" of TALUS

and Won—the sublime anthem of Bow thine ear "—ere all that the world knows of these wvnders of art, which exist in score only in the private collections of a few persons who have had sudicient perseverance to accomplish the lal orious though interesting and profit- able task of uniting the severed parts.

Of the Madrigals of Wit. 11 I' C. (tin.t 1.rince of noolrigal-writers.) about five out of sixty have been published in score: of those of Otonotes,

two; and about the Caine number of WELLKES, BATESON, WARD, ESTE, and BENNETT. Of l'ullonnt.'s dramatic productions he published one only, and the rest are only known by the scattered fragments which exist in different publication:, of his miseellaneous works. These facts we have repeatedly noticed Its disereditahle ;dike to our patriotism and our musical taste. lite teproach. we are happy to see, is soon to be wiped away : ono the power and wealth of the vocal school of England will be made wora We have •to•l.,:-so 11 '• 1- •' • • (the editor N ,

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