The Decision Of The Court-martial On Captain Richard...
Ions been its tile known by a general order from the Horse Guards, dated the 20th I ins;ant. The " order," after stating the charge, and copying the letter from Cat tin Reynolds......
The Abdication Of The Queen Regent Of Spain Was Announced
inn the Paris papers of Sunday. The news was received by telegraphic de- spatch from Barcelona. The manifesto of abdication is dated the 12th. It is stated that tine Queen had......
Al Two N;eleel; O» 'ile Prussian Mate Gazette Contains Fly!
details of the solemnity of dining homage to King Frederick William the Fourth, which musk place at Berlin on the 15th of' this month. His Mujesty first repaired in state to the......
M. De La Mennais Is To Be Prosecuted For His
recent pamphlet against the Government, which has been seized in all the shops. It was also published ins an article in the National. The Indieateur de Bourdeaux of the 15th......
The First Subject Which Attracts Attention In The Week's...
from the Continent is the fresh attempt which has been made on the life of the King of the French, by a man named Darmis. The Journal des 1J6- lass of Friday gives the fidlowing......