The Decision Of The Court-martial On Captain Richard...
Ions been its tile known by a general order from the Horse Guards, dated the 20th I ins;ant. The " order," after stating the charge, and copying the letter from Cat tin Reynolds......
The approaching municipal elections in Edinburgh continue to excite very great interest amono- . all classes of the inhabitants. The first movement of importance has been made,......
The Marquis Of Normanby Has Left Town For His Residence,
Mulgrave Castle. Lord John Russell left town on Wednesday, on a visit to the Marquis of Landsdowne, at Isis residence, Bowood Park, The Reverend Dr. Williams, Head Master of......
We regret to announce the death of Lord Holland, after a very short illness. So lately as Tuesday, he was in better health and spirits than usual ; on that day he walked in his......