The decision of the Court-martial on Captain Richard Anthouy Reynolds
Ions been its tile known by a general order from the Horse Guards, dated the 20th I ins;ant. The " order," after stating the charge, and copying the letter from Cat tin Reynolds to Lord Cardi- gan, which formed the ground of it, states Hod the Court came to the following decision— 'The Court, b tying duly weighed and mast maturely consilered the whole of the evidenee ad t aced on the part of the prosecution, teaet her with that ad- vanced by the accused in support of his de;ence, is of ep'ilinti that lit-, Cap- tain Richard Autlamy Reynolds, of the Eleventh (Prince .1,1 bares own) Hus- sars, is Unlit!, of the charge exhibited against him ; being in breach of the Articles of War, the Court does, in virtue thereof, sentence mini the said Captain Richard Anthony Reynolds, of' the Eleventh (Prince Albert's own) Hussars, to be eashiered.
" The Court, having performed its duty, cannot separate without recording its opinion on the following points of evidence- " In the course of the evidence to character, witnesses have stated, that they considered the iteensed ICItS hscapable ii,,,boriliaatiML without some extra- ordinary causes of proracatioa or notes,: under provocation which no man of honourable feelings could endure: thus, apparently, sanctioning the idea, that there might be circumstances of private irritation which would justify a. soldier breaking from the estahlished order of military diseipline—a doctrine so totally subversive of the fundamental priaciples by which all armies are governed, that the Court feels called upon to stamp it with marked reproba- tion.
"Her Majesty has been pleased to approve and confirm the finding and, sentence of the Court.
"The General Commanding in Chief directs, that the foregoing charge pre-
ferred against Captain Richard Anthony Reynolds, of the Eleventh (Prince Albert's own) Hussars, together with the finding and sentence of the Court, and her Majesty's confirmation thereof; be entered in the General Order-book, and read at the head of every regiment inn her Majesty's service. "By command of the Right Honourable General Lord HILL, Command-
ing in Chief. JOHN MacooNALD, Adjutant-General."
The sentence of the Court-martial was read to Captain Reynolds, at the Gloucester Hotel, Brighton, on Tuesday afternoon, by Colonel Cochrane, Assistant Adjutant-General, who went to Brighton for that purpose : it was read in the presence of Major Jenkins and Adjutant Knowles.