24 OCTOBER 1840, page 10

B 1 If. T 11 A Ii A (; Es,

AND DEA 1'11S. lot nIl its. '.' • tit r to CANESoN, Or a SOO. Ors t IL,. Lely Cottitt GIOVANNI St.i.ostos, at the • i o .t lhart , oh' a son. ' : t, : • • , 1111. h.ioily......

Note On Criminal Jurisprudence.

[The discussion of this subject has attracted the attention of philanthros pists, and given rise to severed letters, of which the following is one. The ton- swer which it......

A Second Edition Of The Ssrews.loise Chteese:e Nlon:ions....

pair of stockings, supposed to be these belonging to Mts:ers. has been found at the inn at Ludlow. between the bars of the gra t e in a lomber-tasoln Seldom used. They were......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANOE, FRIDAV AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the Money-market have not been extensive, the extreme quotations of Consols not varying more than 1 per cent. The tendency......

E.1 81111'1'1na. .

htot,ot;.o to 1. , iodon, took fite at sea lot, tin fdhlt 1, Mary Ann, Cox, loom the Ci,i,,•. 21,1, At Ite.,1, Jute., lo it stuebie . „ . ; I 17111, NItti% Aim, St. plo,o,01 . I......