`Tbr itletropolis.
The ne• of tha lists of voters for the county of Middlesex was comp!-. :lay. On the entire revision of the county, the fol- lowing : re eiren as the results—Overseers' objections. 511 ; sustained, 49e. C- iv e objections, 91i9; sustained, 536. Liberal objections, 754; seeeined, 331.
The question of church-rates is now likely to become more perplex- ing than ever, as the churches themselves are about to be made liable to an aaaessment for contributions towards the maintenance of the sewers in their respective districts. The Court of Sewers for West- minster and Middlesex have, in a recent sitting, made a rate upon parish- churches, chapels, charitable institutions, and. in short, upon a Ilother pub- lic haihinu red establishments hitherto censidered exempt from sewer- age rae-s. Ti-- validity of this exteasion of the rate, which would at once jeer-,beyal.-ratea by a heavy amount, has been objected to on va- prieeiee:ly urn that of desuetude ; but the Com- eltieeer- eea:ahei that a law Once made may be revived after a sleep if it have not been formally repealed. They state that the:. .e.air power under an Act passed in the year 1534, in the reia:: • : II vu he 1,14411.11, and that its provisions are as applicable no.a 7 district of sewers as they were three hundred . I7 a •N that this enactment has not been enforced at any
tin, h a of this long interval. The opponents of the pr';ate that Sir William Fonett has been consulted on the e ...an an oeinion that the Commissioners have ...ea them-elves invested with by the ancient -e waled be first collected in the Eastern division of trice—Gfebe.