24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 7
By advicas from Lisbon, dated me Riot of oeed'aer, Queen
of Portuaal is in a fair we tcasards reettvsay one confinement. seers Itaaliested in 'Pile military enuneil the emeute of the night ef .1a1 anislee I their
• labours withont esiminatiaa atta en .•. ,7,;c:'••: • n...2.: II:1 is. that the [
depositions of the witnesses ,:'e-.• I is Ceerefore probable that the prisoners WY.1 Disorders ia the provinces fke of Arraial was observed et
immense concourse of pt•op1.2 .•i t - armed Gtwrilleros sullenly apa at. them., killed and w ounded t w e ns ;sett Another band of these It asse
ei:y to approach the walls of the