THE Revolution in Spain lags somewhat. The Provisional Government has quarrelled with the Juntas or elected Com- mittees, who have taken too much power into their hands, abolished taxes, dissolved monasteries, pulled down fortresses, and in one case, at least, divided private property. S. Olozaga, who has at last reached Madrid, and so completed the Triumvirate, has therefore persuaded the Supreme Junta of Madrid to dissolve itself, other Juntas are following the example, and the agents of the central power are regaining authority. The Triumvirate, how- ever, are apparently no nearer to the selection of a monarch ; it is understood that Ferdinand of Portugal declines the throne ; the election of a Protestant is declared to be impossible ; and the leaders are apparently at a loss for a candidate who shall be Catholic, anti-priest, anti-Bourbon, anti-Orleanist, and acceptable to Spain. While they deliberate the democratic party is working, and resolu- tions in favour of a Federal Republic are coming up from many of the cities of Spain.