Mr. Walford's County Families.*
iv is only in England, we imagine, that a shilling Peerage could prove a profitable speculation, and only in England that such a book as this could reach a second edition. Birth......
ABOUT seventy years ago the Stationers' Company, which then enjoyed a virtual monopoly in almanacs, made an experiment which turned out a complete failure. One of its......
The Dream Numbers. By T. A. Trollope. 3 Vols. (chapman
and Hall.)—This is a great improvement on the last book of Mr. Trollope's that we saw. In that the scene was laid in Ireland ; in this he has got back to Italy, and, whether it......
Current Literature.
H. Valerii Martialis Epigrainmata Selecta, with English Notes. By F. A. Paley, M.A., and the late W. H. Stone, B.A. (Whittaker ; Boll.) —We have always thought that Martial,......
The Olive Leaf. By William Wyndham Malet. (bosworth.)—...
Malet, Priest of Ardeley, called in religion Father Michael," went in 1867 on a pilgrimage to Rome, Jerusalem, and Constantinople, for the reunion of the faithful. He was......