News Of The Week.
T HE Revolution in Spain lags somewhat. The Provisional Government has quarrelled with the Juntas or elected Com- mittees, who have taken too much power into their hands,......
It Is Stated In Rome That The Policy Of The
Ex-Queen is to remain in France, and thence stir up a civil war by the cry of the Church in danger. Two provinces have already refused to expel the Jesuits, and the people seem......
The Provisional Government Has Issued Two Considerable...
all monasteries established since 1837, and another emancipating all children of slaves born after the 17th September, 1868. In neither case is any compensation proposed. It is......
At Ormskirk On Wednesday, Mr. Gladstone Answered The...
of his opponents to say whether lie thought, or did not think, that the English National Church ought likewise to be dis- established and disendowed. Ile said at once it could......
Lord Stanley Referred, With Characteristic Disgust, On...
Liverpool banquet to the amount of party speaking and writing with which the country is now deluged,—whereupon Mr. Gladstone, gracefully and playfully fitting on the cap, in......
Mr. Gladstone's Speeches Have Been Too Numerous This...
too diversified, for us to give any adequate account of their substance. At Newton this day week he demolished very ably the only counter scheme to his own, the reform of the......
A Banquet Was Given On Thursday By The American Chamber
of Commerce in Liverpool to the American Minister, and attended by Lord Stanley and Mr. Gladstone, among other guests. Mr. Johnson made a pleasant speech, declaring that the......