Mr. Roebuck Is Determined Not To Be Elected, And We
think he is right, though be would do more wisely to retire from the contest altogether, than to parade his old sins and his present shamelessness before his astonished......
A Sign Of The Same Kind Is The Cool Request
to Mr. Bright, made by some of his Birmingham constituents, that he would use his influence for "the expulsion of the Jesuits from England," to which, of course, Mr. Bright says......
The Monotony Of County Contests Is To Have A Great
exception. Mr. Freeman, the historian, has undertaken to contest Mid-Somerset, and the Liberals are to return him without cost to himself. The manly sagacity and thorough......
At Ormskirk On Wednesday, Mr. Gladstone Answered The...
of his opponents to say whether lie thought, or did not think, that the English National Church ought likewise to be dis- established and disendowed. Ile said at once it could......
We Have Regretted The Loss The Conservative Party Will...
in the singular impartiality, and the calm, clear, sagacious judgment of Sir William Heathcote. We cannot help regretting also their loss of one of the most honest, clever, and......
Sir Roundell Palmer And Mr. Mowbray Are Now Fairly In
the field as rival candidates for the vacant seat in the University of Oxford. Mr. Mowbray's committee are very specific in their promises for him as regards Church questions.......
The Times Has Received A Telegram From Its American Corre-
spondent announcing that the Democrats have finally rejected a proposal to exchange Mr. Seymour for Mr. Chase. In other words, they are resolved not to give up State......
Mr. Purchas, The Ritualist Minister Of St. James's...
who has been inhibited by his bishop,—the Bishop of Chichester,—from preaching, and who persists in doing so, main- taining that he is in the position of an incumbent, and not......
One Of The Best Points Mooted In The Very Many
election addresses with which, as Lord Stanley complained, the country is now fed to repletion, is Mr. G-. Shaw Lefevre's remark to the electors at Reading that if Mr. Disraeli......