Borah and his Company. By G. S. Drew, M.A. (Skeffington.)—This
volume contains a series of what the author calls "Bible Teachings on the Subjects of the Day." The first sermon, on "Borah and his Company," in whom Mr. Drew sees the prototype of modern demagogues who cry out for liberty, equality, and fraternity, is the least satisfactory of the whole. This is exactly the application which a clergyman is tempted to make of the history, but which is not more just than an application which one of these demagogues might make of it against oligarchs. On the other hand, the two discourses on texts taken from the Revela- tion of St. John are marked by considerable ability. Mr. Drew adopts the rational mode of interpreting this book, which looks upon it as a discovery of the Divine government of the world ; he sots his face steadily against the soothsayers ; such action on the part of a popular religious teacher is very welcome.