Brookes's General Gazetteer. By A. G. Findlay. (Tegg.)—This book, we
are told, has been " corrected to the latest date." Wo find, neverthe- less, among the Colleges of Oxford Hartford College, which was dissolved more than forty years ago ; while, on the other hand, under the head of Cambridge, there is no mention of Downing, which was founded about 1800. The Universities, however, are old-world affairs, which Mr. J. A. Smith, the corrector, who tells us that he has written about Matter and edited Joyce's Scientific Dialogues, probably does not care much about, but why does he take no notice of the changes made by the Reform Bill of 1867? Why does ho still credit Yarmouth with returning two members ? Has he never heard of the towns of Napier and Perth (Western Australia)? Aud has no later infor- mation reached him from Hawaii than that in 1791 the king and chief ceded the island to Great Britain ? In fact the book is con- fused and untrustworthy. Such a mistake, for instance, as assigning the lakes of Coniston and Windermere to the county of Lancashire has been suffered to stand. The supplement sometimes makes things worse. The original article "Holstein" recognizes the fact that the duchy now belongs to Prussia ; the article in the supplement, which is specially marked as being now, assigns it to Denmark.