The Consol Market was firm at the commencement of the
week, but on a general fall in the Foreign Exchanges and an -anticipated revival in the export demand for gold prices receded +. The clos- ing quotation yesterday was 941 1. Reduced and New Three per Cent. were 93 to ; Exchequer Bills, 17s. to 21s. premium. A prominent feature of the week has been the decided success of the New South Wales Loan of £1,000,000, the applications for which nearly reached £4,000,000. Foreign Bonds have been buoyant at advancing rates. Italian Scrip, after being done at 2i, has declined to 21 to 1 premium. Railway Shares generally have ruled quiet, and without material alteration in value. There has been an abundant !supply of money offering, and good thirty days' paper is readily taken in the open market at n per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now £19,947,174; in the Batik of France, £48,904,200.