In the French Chamber of Deputies on Monday M. Delcassi,
speaking for the second time since be left office, delivered a scathing attack on M. Thomson, the Minister of Marine.
M. Delcasse is President of the Commission of Inquiry into the accident to the Iena; and he charged M. Thomson with culpable procrastination. The Ministry of Marine had received a succession of official Reports warning them of the dangers of explosion, yet no firm action had been taken. As a result, within three years there had been, through several accidents, a greater loss of life than would have been caused by a defeat. M. Thomson did not win the sympathy of the Chamber in his defence, and his subsequent resig- nation was almost a foregone conclusion. M. Delcasse's resolution deploring "the fatal acts of negligence" brought
M. Clemenceau to his feet. "I do not hold myself responsible," be said, "but the Government would fail in its duty if it accepted an Order of the Day without the word 'confidence.'" As usual, M. •Clemenceau obtained his vote of confidence, making it clear that the Government knew how to profit by the debate. 'M. Thomson resigned at the end of the sitting. He entered the Ministry of Marine, we may add, lest this debate should be taken as representing accurately his services to France, with more enthusiasm than any recent Minister, and be has undoubtedly done as much good work as circum- stances allowed him to do.