24 OCTOBER 1908, page 26

The Pedigree Register. Edited By George F. It Sherwood- (50

Beechcroft Road, Brockley. 10s. 6d. for the year.)—This is a quarterly journal devoted to genealogical research. Pedigrees are given, cautions and information generally received......

The Mexican Year - Book. (mccorquodale And Co. 21s....

volume of more than a thousand pages is a visible proof of the remarkable progress which the Republic of Mexico has made during the last thirty years. This progress is naturally......

Women Of All Nations. Edited By T. Athol Joyce, M.a.,

and N. W. Thomas, M.A. Vol. I. (Cassell and Co. 155. net.)—The book of which this is the first half—the second is still in process of issue—may be regarded from the scientific......

&wish Gardens. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. (edward Arnold....

Herbert Maxwell describes the contents of this handsome volume as a "Representative Selection of Different Types, Old and New." He takes a wide range of the subject— his pen is......

Bari Grammar And Vocabulary. Edited By Captain R. C. R.

Owen. (J. and E. Bumpus.)—It is not likely that many of our readers will have occasion to make use of this book, though there are doubtless a minority with whom all linguistic......

An Austrian Diplomatist In The Fifties. By The Right Hon.

Sir Ernest Satow. (Cambridge University Press, Is. 6d. net.)— Hero we have the "Redo Lecture," delivered on June 13th last. It is founded on Hiibner's "Souvenirs d'un......

Messrs. Cassell And Co. Are Publishing A Very Attractive Set

of books under the title of "Handy Classics" (15. 6d. net per vol.) The books are agreeable to look at, and pleasant to handle. They are bound with a substance which has......

" English Church Manuals" (longmans And Co., Ld. Each) Are

sufficiently described by their titles,—Family Prayers, by the Rev. A. F. Thornhill; Hard Words in the Prayer Book, by Canon R. B. Girdlestone ; The Church on Social Subjects,......

The Eighth Volume Of The Dictionary Of National Biography, "

Glover—Harriott " (Smith, Elder, and Co., 15s. net), has the contents of Vols. XXII.-XXIV. of the old edition. It includes a multitude of great names, Godwin, Gordon, Graham,......