" Salome."
[TO THU ED/TOR OF THE ••SPROT1TOR."] SIR,—Those who only pay rare visits to London may note changes which perhaps attract comparatively little attention from its inhabitants. It......
In Retreat.
[To THE EDITOR OF THZ " SPECTATOR." . 1 SIE,—With reference to the interesting communicated article in the last issue on retreats for working men and your editorial note, may I......
[to Ter Editor Of Trh " Spectator:1
Stre,—The Adult Schools possess three houses of retreat,—two given by the Cadburys of Birmingham, and one by the young widow of a Rowntree who died in his prime, at Scarborough.......
Summer Flowers In Devonshire.
[To TUN EDITOR OF THZ " SPRCTATOR..".1 SIE,—R may interest some of your readers to hear that we picked the following wild flowers in North Devon on October 17th of this year......
Dogs In Quarantine.
[To THE EDITOR OF THII " SPRCTATOR.1 Si,—On arriving from a tour in France on July 3rd, our poodle, who was in perfect health, with muscles as bard as iron, and coat like the......
[to Tim Editor Of This "sprotator."] Sin,—as An Old Reader
of the Spectator, I have frequently noticed your expressions of surprise that neither of the great parties has attempted to deal with the over-representation of Ireland. May I......