[To THE EDITOR OF THZ " SPECTATOR." .1 SIE,—With reference to the interesting communicated article in the last issue on retreats for working men and your editorial note, may I be allowed to say that somewhat similar retreats have been held at Mirfield for some years past P They are apparently valued by working men as well as clerks and other men in business. Our retreats are held about once a quarter, and last from Saturday evening till Sunday evening or Monday morning, as those who come are only here for that short • period. Similar retreats are held occasionally in St. Paul's and in some other places, and there is no reason to doubt that members of the Church of England are as ready to welcome such an opportunity as Roman Catholics. Notices of the Mirfield retreats will be forwarded on applica- tion to the retreat secretary at the address below. Of course retreats for ladies and for working women are held very frequently at most of our English Church sisterhoods.—I am,