24 OCTOBER 1908, page 3

In The Course Of The Debate Mr. Abraham, The Welsh

Working-man Member, placed his finger on what we cannot help feeling is the weak spot in the Government case. Sunday closing, he declared, had put an end to a great deal of......

The Meeting Of The Iri9h Nationalist Party, Attended By Some

sixty members, held in the Dublin Mansion House on Tuesday, may be regarded as the official reply to Mr. O'Brien's protest. Mr. O'Brien himself was not present, and Mr. Redmond,......

During The Week Parliament Has Been Steadily And Mechani-...

grinding through the Licensing Bill. We have dealt with some general considerations of great importance in a leading article, and will here only say once more how difficult it......

Monday's Papers Contain A Long Letter From Mr. W. O'brien,

M.P., on Mr. Asquith's refusal to receive a feint deputation of Munster landowners and tenants with a view to a settlement of the land purchase problem. According to Mr.......

Before We Leave The Subject Of Mr. Asquith's Statement We

should like to put on record our belief that of all the minor means of help held out by the Government, the best of all is the offer to those under thirty—and that means......

Two Further Ministerial Appointments Were Announced On...

created by Lord Fitzmaurice's pro- motion to to Cabinet rank has been filled by the appointment of Mr. T. McKinnon Wood as Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Charles......

We Regret To Record The Death On Wednesday Of Professor

Charles Eliot Norton. the well-known American scholar and philanthropist. Norton enjoyed an almost lifelong friendship with Ruskin, who used to speak of him as his tutor, and......

At The Fifth Annual Meeting Of The Newlands Corner, Guild-

ford, branch of the Victoria League on Saturday last Lord Cromer spoke in praise of sane Imperialism :— "He said advisedly sane Imperialism, and not mere Imperialism, for they......

Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.

May 28th, Consols (2i) were on Friday 844—on Friday week 85.......