The meeting of the Iri9h Nationalist Party, attended by some
sixty members, held in the Dublin Mansion House on Tuesday, may be regarded as the official reply to Mr. O'Brien's protest. Mr. O'Brien himself was not present, and Mr. Redmond, who presided, proposed a resolution calling on the Government to introduce their promised land legisla- tion, and expressing the conviction that such legislation to be effective should not only proceed on the lines of the Irish Party's Report of last June, but should contain the amend- ments to the existing law set forth in the Irish Party's Land Bill of last year, as well as provisions carrying out the main recommendations of the Dudley Commission on grazing lands and congestion. An addition to the resolution was proposed by Mr. Ginnell, suggesting that only a small proportion of the party should go to Westminster periodically for obstruction and fight, the rest remaining in Ireland to promote the distribu- tion of ranches, to bring about a general strike against rent, and "in every other way bringing alien rule in Ireland to s, deadlock." This advocacy of Sinn Fein methods did not find a seconder, but the resolution was passed by 54 votes to 4, the minority consisting of Mr. Healy and Messrs. Roche, Crean, and Sheehan, Mr. O'Brien's adherents.